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- Cheats for GTA: San Andreas – aezakmi, hesoyam and other commands
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Cheats for GTA: SA, along with skipping missions from the main storyline, were the best way to play for many players who played the title in the early 2000s. Check if you remember anything other than the iconic aezakmi.
Cheats for GTA: San Andreas – what do they do?
The Grand Theft Auto series, in addition to colorful characters and multi-threaded, engaging story, is mainly associated with the huge amount of freedom offered to the player. Although the size of the game and the list of available, including especially illegal activities in the basic version of San Andreas are huge, diversifying the gameplay with all kinds of cheats and commands remains a tempting option.

Related: All GTA 5 cheats in one place. Cheats for all platforms – PC, PS and Xbox
The command repertoire includes not only simple functions affecting wealth or the statistics and skills of our character, but also modifying the character of NPCs and codes capable of changing a peaceful neighborhood into a chaotic zone of conflict between gangs. It should be remembered that the use of codes may have an irreversible impact on the progress of the game or cause unexpected issues and errors, therefore it is worth making a backup save of the game.
Unlike the standard console for typing commands, characteristic of the vast majority of titles whose creators have made it possible to cheat, commands in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas are entered directly during the game, and their content is not case sensitive – the size of the letters or the active Caps Lock button do not have the slightest impact.

GTA: San Andreas – Cheats for health, money, skills
- HESOYAM/INEEDSOMEHELP – one of the most popular codes, providing comprehensive support in the form of a bulletproof vest, $ 250,000 and a complete renewal of the health bar and the condition of the current vehicle;
- BAGUVIX/NOONECANHURTME – command for partial immortality. Explosions, falls, lack of oxygen or police helicopter fire still deal damage regardless of the cheat;
- CVWKXAM/MANFROMATLANTIS – a cheat that guarantees infinite supply of oxygen under water;
- STICKLIKEGLUE/PGGOMOY – increased vehicle grip;
- ANOSEONGLASS/TAKEACHILLPILL – launches bullet-time-like adrenaline mode related to the pills from previous parts of the game;
- BTCDBCB/WHOATEALLTHEPIES – Carl’s silhouette becomes plus size;
- BUFFMEUP/JYSDSOD – Carl’s silhouette becomes muscular;
- KVGYZQK/LEANANDMEAN – Carl’s silhouette becomes slim;
- WORSHIPME/OGXSDAG – provides the maximum level of respect;
- HELLOLADIES/EHIBXQS – provides the maximum level of sex appeal;
- VKYPQCF/ICANGOALLNIGHT – provides the maximum level of stamina;
- PROFESSIONALKILLER/NCSGDAG – provides the maximum level of skills related to weapons;
- NATURALTALENT/VQIMAHA – provides the maximum level of driving skills;
- CJPHONEHOME/JHJOECW – unlocks the maximum height of jumps on the bike;
- OUIQDMW/IWANNADRIVEBY – activates the aiming mode from the vehicle level (in place of the standard “sideboard” shooting available under the Q and E);
- KANGAROO/LFGMHAL – starts CJ’s high jumps mode.
Infinite ammo? GTA: San Andreas – codes for weapons
- FULLCLIP/WANRLTW – command for infinite ammunition without reloading;
- LXGIWYL/THUGSARMOURY – the character receives the first set of weapons, which includes: brass knuckles, baseball bat, 9 mm pistol, shotgun, Micro PM, AK-47, rifle, rocket launcher, Molotov cocktail and spray paint;
- PROFESSIONALSKIT/PROFESSIONALSKIT – the character receives a second set of weapons, which includes: a knife, Desert Eagle, sawed-off saw, Tec 9, M4, sniper rifle, flamethrower, grenades and a fire extinguisher;
- UZUMYMW/NUTTERSTOYS – the character receives the third set of weapons, which consists of: chainsaw, pistol with a silencer, combat shotgun, SMG, M4, heat-sensitive rocket launcher and C4 charges with a detonator.

Police? No thanks – codes for the police in GTA: SA
- TURNUPTHEHEAT/OSRBLHH – raises the wanted level by two stars;
- TURNDOWNTHEHEAT/ASNAEB – resets the wanted level;
- AEZAKMI/IDOASIPLEASE – completely disables the possibility of being wanted by the police (enabling the exploration of previously inaccessible areas, such as, for example, the military base in the Easter Basin);
- BRINGITON/LJSPQK – Enables a six-star wanted level.
Time passes – time cheats in GTA: San Andreas
- YSOHNUL/TIMEJUSTFLIESBY – entering this command speeds up the game clock, re-entering the code will deactivate the effect;
- NIGHTPROWLER/XJVSNAJ – pause game time at midnight;
- SPEEDITUP/PPGWJHT – speeds up the game;
- SLOWITDOWN/LIYOAAY – slows down the game;
- DONTBRINGONTHENIGHT/OFVIAC – stops the game time at 21:00.

PimpMyRide – codes for your rides in GTA: San Andreas
- ROCKETMAN/YECGAA – summons Jetpack;
- AIYPWZQP/LETSGOBASEJUMPING – summons a backpack that allows you to jump with a parachute;
- OLDSPEEDDEMON/CQZIJMB – summons the Demolition in the Blood Ring;
- VROCKPOKEY/PDNEJOH – summons the first variant of the Hotring Racer;
- VPJTQWV/JUSTTRYANDSTOPME – recall the second variant of the Hotring Racer;
- CELEBRITYSTATUS/KRIJEBR – summons the limousine;
- TRUEGRIME/UBHYZHQ – summons a garbage truck;
- RZHSUEW/18HOLES – summons a golf cart;
- JUMPJET – summons a Hydra;
- KGGGDKP/IWANTTOHOVER – summons a Vortex Hovercraft;
- OHDUDE – summons a Hunter helicopter;
- FOURWHEELFUN/AKJJYGLC – summons the quad;
- AMOMHRER/HITTHEROADJACK – summons the tanker;
- ITSALLBULL/EEGCYXT – summons a dozer bulldozer;
- FLYINGTOSTUNT/URKQSRK – summons a Stunt Airplane;
- MONSTERMASH/AGBDLCID – summons a Monster Truck.

Traffic in GTA: San Andreas –
- GHOSTTOWN/THGLOJ – removes pedestrians and restricts traffic;
- FVTMNBZ/HICKSVILLE – changes pedestrian and car models country-style, also changing CJ’s outfit to a Binco trucker hat and dungarees;
- CPKTNWT/ALLCARSGOBOOM – blows up all vehicles;
- WHEELSONLYPLEASE/XICWMD – turns on vehicles invisibility;
- ZEIIVG/DONTTRYANDSTOPME – switches all traffic lights to green;
- YLTEICZ/ALLDRIVERSARECRIMINALS – starts the “aggressive” mode of independent drivers;
- LLQPFBN/PINKISTHENEWCOOL – all cars on the streets turn pink;
- IOWDLAC/SOLONGASITSBLACK – all cars on the streets turn black;
- EVERYONEISPOOR/BGKGTJH – only vehicles found in the countryside drive on the streets;
- EVERYONEISRICH/GUSNDHE – only luxury sports cars drive the streets;
- CHITTYCHITTYBANGBANG/RIPAZHA – unlocks the ability to fly ground vehicles;
- FLYINGFISH/AFSNMSMW – unlocks the ability to fly water vehicles;
- JCNRUAD/TOUCHMYCARYOUDIE – launches a mode in which minor vehicle collisions cause an explosion;
- SPEEDFREAK/COXEFGU – all cars are equipped with nitro;
- BUBBLECARS/BSXSGGC – after entering this command, hitting the vehicle results in a slow hover;
- AJLOJYQY/ROUGHNEIGHBOURHOOD – passersby begin to fight each other with golf clubs;
- FOOOXFT/SURROUNDEDBYNUTTERS – all passersby are equipped with weapons;
- GOODBYECRUELWORLD/SZCMAWO – this command causes the immediate death of the character;
- BLUESUEDESHOES/ASBHGRB – all passersby are replaced with Elvis Presley;
- BGLUAWML/ATTACKOFTHEVILLAGEPEOPLE – passersby attack CJ with rocket launchers;
- LIFESABEACH/CIKGCGX – all characters’ clothes and weather theme changes to beach;
- ONLYHOMIESALLOWED/MROEMZH – significantly speeds up the spawning of gang members;
- BIFBUZZ/BETTERSTAYINDOORS – all passers-by and policemen disappear from the map in favor of the warring gangs;
- NINJATOWN/AFPHULTL – replaces pedestrians with members of triads and vehicles with BF-400, FCR-900 and PCJ 600 cars, and equips the character with a katana;
- BEKKNQV/LOVECONQUERSALL – theme BDSM, replacing passersby with sex workers and pimps;
- STATEOFEMERGENCY/IOJUFZN – starts state riots;
- CRAZYTOWN/PRIEBJ – launches the amusement park mode, changing the models of pedestrians to those belonging to clowns and vehicles to ice cream vans, carts and scooters;
- SJMAHPE/WANNABEINMYGANG – allows you to recruit any NPC and equips them with a pistol;
- ROCKETMAYHEM/ZSOXFSQ – allows you to recruit any NPC and equips them with rocket launchers.
The codes and functions collected above are a number of ways to modify the gameplay in an advanced way. Starting with minor changes in the appearance or skills of characters, through completely new physics of vehicles and driver behavior, to the mechanics of a large-scale conflict between gangs, civilians, with the police and the military. These commands often offer fun in completely different realities than the creators planned for in the main plot, but their use also involves a key element for the GTA – uninhibited and unpredictable chaos, which is better to just go with it than to try to master. Alternatively, load the game save.